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The Importance Of Medical Conferences

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Nothing stays the same. Change is the only thing that is constant in the world. From the environment to the people, everything changes, which is why we should all try our best to keep up with all those changes. Keeping yourself updated is especially crucial in the medical profession where people’s lives are at stake from one simple mistake. It is no wonder there are medical conferences on a regular basis as clinical and scientific studies and research are never-ending as well. Newer drugs are likewise developed that has a major impact to how medical management is carried out. Medical conferences allow medical professionals to mingle with their colleagues and listen to key speakers discuss important updates that will soon be put into practice apart from giving them a chance to discuss all these changes by themselves.

We have seen it time again where one practice is rendered obsolete because of scientific developments that show a different way of doing things. It’s the same with the things we do today, we aren’t 100% sure that they will still be the norm years from now. Medical conferences make way for people in the same circle become familiar with each other, which in turn can also help them collaborate with one another for a better understanding of a particular issue or case because when you look at it, the medical profession is one big community of medical professionals who are responsible in upholding the health and well-being of the general public at all times.

Speakers generally set a medical conference’s tone, and despite its humble beginning, CMSC has never needed to invite a speaker outside its membership, Halper said. Particularly in the study of MS, the average attendee considers the lecturers exceptional and therefore worth the admission.

That sort of esteem doesn’t make the job any easier. Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, knows what it feels like to be the focus of attention for thousands of the world’s leading doctors in a particular field. A self-described introvert, she has been a staple lecturer at the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s annual meeting (IDWeek) since its inception in 2012. Although the pressure is high, she said, the risk is worth the reward. “There’s no greater feeling than coming off the podium and having people say, ‘That was a great talk,” Walensky told MD Magazine®. “There’s a fulfilling component to that.”


It may sound like a lucrative profession for many but doctors, in particular, spend years studying about medicine including clinical internship so they are exposed to the patients first-hand and they get to apply what they learned in theory to actual patient management. We are well-aware about the importance of medical conferences but the speakers are also key on how these updates are effectively communicated to the recipients. A well-attended and well-received conference can help disseminate information faster rather than send out email or letters about these changes, which is really crucial if the information needed must be shared to a lot of people the soonest time possible.

The panel of experts and medical veterans will lead “dynamic tutorials, lectures, and workshops” and talks will start with the basic concept of AI and continue to advanced deep-learning technologies and trends in healthcare.

Organizers said the goal of the meeting is to engage busy healthcare professionals “in riding the gigantic waves of AI in healthcare to a brighter tomorrow.”

Organizers include the AHMC Health Systems (Alhambra Hospital Medical Center and its sister hospitals in Southern California), the National Health Research Institutes and Taipei Medical University in Taiwan, Allied Pacific IPA and Network Medical Management.


It is even more crucial for doctors and other allied professionals as technology is also a key factor in the delivery of healthcare services. It is a given that the medical world should embrace these tech changes as wherever you look in the hospital are machines and gadgets that aid in the delivery of medicines and treatments that are even able to save a dying person’s life. And with the rapid pace technology keeps on pushing forward, we’d like be seeing more medical conferences that don’t solely discuss medical issues but as well as how technology fits in the picture such as artificial intelligence that seems to be the direction we are heading at. Learning never ends and we’ll keep on adapting to these changes if it means our species can survive no matter what changes this planet goes through.